Ceramic Fruit Bowls

When you want to add colour to your home, there are many options available. You could buy a fresh bunch of flowers and display them on a cabinet, the middle of your dining table, or on a window sill. Or, you could purchase a painting of a still life. You could choose from a selection of decorative ornaments. Of course, the purpose of acquiring these things is to give rooms personality, dimension, making it cosy and inviting.
In the kitchen, or in the dining area, many people like to display their fruit in a bowl, therefore using the selection of colour available in nature, in much the same way as when you purchase a bouquet of flowers. However, some fruits are not always available at certain times of the year, and our families may not be partial to some fruit varieties, thus risking fruit going off in the bowl. A still life painting may provide all the colour you need, without the need for replenishing anything as you would have to do with a bunch of flowers or a selection of fresh fruit. This may be the best option. But what if you want something that will sit as a centrepiece on a windowsill or dining table?
Penkridge Ceramics specialise in creating a selection of ceramic fruit and vegetable pieces for you to display in your home all year round. Their inspiration comes from early still life paintings, and it is similar in style to renaissance paintings such as the ‘Still Life With Fruit on a Ledge’ painted between the years 1605-1610 by artist Caravaggio, or the work of Charles Collins with ‘A Still Life of Pears, Peaches and Grapes’ painted in 1734, and the painting created by Frans Snyders, with ‘Fruit Stall’, created between 1618 and 1621. All of these paintings demonstrate that fruit and vegetables provide colour, texture and depth to any room they are placed in. Ceramics ornamental fruit bowls will give you a fully immersive feeling as they are 3d, and to the full scale of the real-life subjects.
The Ceramic fruit created by Penkridge can be displayed in a fruit bowl, in much the same way as you would with the real fruit subjects in your home. This can be placed anywhere, without the fear of sunlight ruining the pieces and the look of your ceramic fruit. For a specific style and piece of work, you can contact the shop directly and commission your own ceramic fruit bowls, depending on your preferences and choice. You can see from the galley that these works of art are unique and spectacular, making good use of the variety available in nature to transform these ceramic materials into something truly special to own and admire.
For a more minimalist style, look at the monochrome collection. This collection focuses on the choice of aesthetically pleasing shapes fruit provides. These are truly beautiful pieces that can be enjoyed for years and years to come. For more information check out the website at penkridgeceramics.com.

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